Tuesday, July 26, 2011


These are various paintings that I have done. They are based either on Scripture, life experience, or songs that have been meaningful to me. I find that painting, as well as other forms of art, are wonderful ways for me to put things aside, pray, and worship God.

Creative in the Image of God: Collage

When we used the medium of collage, we examined 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 6, looking at what we see as our identity in Christ, how we identify ourselves, what we see ourselves as. For the second week of collage, we made prayers for our Hopes for the Future, whether they were hopes for ourselves, for someone else, or for the world. Above are just a few of the different collages that were created.

Creative in the Image of God: Mosaics

When we explored the medium of mosaics, we initially studied 1 Corinthians 12, looking at how the Body of Christ is made up of many different parts and pieces, and that separately, the parts do not function as they would together. Above are two examples of the many mosaics that were created.

Creative in the Image of God: Fingerpainting

When we initially began the group, I wanted to make sure that people were very comfortable with a new way of worshiping and exploring Scripture. For this reason, we read and meditated on a combined Genesis story using both Genesis 1 and 2, and we used the art of Fingerpainting, something that I thought everyone would be familiar and comfortable with. Here you can see one interpretation of the rivers bursting forth from the Earth.

Creative in the Image of God: Watercolors

When we used the medium of watercolors, we explored and meditated on various Psalms. A few Psalms were chosen each week, but participants had the opportunity to use different Psalms if they wanted to.

Creative in the Image of God: Chalk Pastels

For the weeks that we used the medium of chalk pastels, we examined the different liturgical seasons of the church year, spacing the focus over three different meetings. Here are some examples of images that were created.

Creative in the Image of God: Acrylics

For the medium of acrylics, we meditated on Ecclesiastes 3:1-14. We took time to examine the differences that are presented in the passage . These are some of the examples of paintings that were created.